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Temperatuurbewaking koelcellen

Temperature monitoring for cold storage rooms

Failure of a cooling system due to a technical defect or power outage leads to high temperatures in cold storage rooms. Delayed corrective action can cause irreversible product loss, such as spoiled meat, sour dairy products, and rotten vegetables. Additionally, temperatures that are too high or too low can impact the products stored in the cooling units. Nerve Centre offers a solution for this. Any deviation in temperature, whether too high or too low, is immediately and automatically reported to a service technician via mobile or fixed phone connections. Additionally, a clear alarm is triggered on-site. This guarantees food safety for patients, guests, employees, or students and also results in significant savings in administrative tasks and staff deployment.

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Ready to get started?

We are happy to show what we can do for your organization by providing rapid alerts in case of incorrect temperatures.

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