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Emergency response call

In the event of an emergency, a central alarm number is called. This number connects to Nerve Centre, where a clear message is recorded detailing where the emergency has occurred and what is happening. Nerve Centre then calls the emergency response personnel. Nerve Centre continues to repeat the call until the right individuals are reached via a voice message and/or SMS. The recipient confirms the call and can, if necessary, immediately discuss the situation with other members of the crisis team over the phone. After this (or simultaneously), the local emergency response team is called. Those summoned confirm their call by pressing a number. If no confirmation is received, Nerve Centre will proceed to call the next person on the list. The progress of the group alerts can be monitored on the Nerve Centre console. After the incident, a report can be generated to review how the incident was handled.

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Nerve Centre-whitepaper bhv

Increase the effectiveness of your emergency response organization 

When you're faced with the challenge of optimizing and streamlining emergency response (BHV) processes, this whitepaper provides valuable insights and practical information. Discover the solutions offered by the Nerve Centre Cloud BHV Module:

  • Complete Overview of BHV Processes
  • More Efficient Functional Management
  • Real-Time Availability Check
  • Integration with Various Systems
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