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Free demo

Back to full capacity in no time during a malfunction or downtime in the production process.

A machine malfunction brings the factory to a halt. At that moment, you need immediate and clear communication to get the right information to the right people. Only then can everything run smoothly again.


Downtime is regression!  
Respond effectively to malfunctions.

Your production process needs to continue as much as possible. Make sure everyone knows what to do in case of an interruption, because otherwise...

High costs

Process Alarming from Nerve Centre  
Always quickly back to work

Your process live in six steps.

Discover in 3 steps how to prevent damage.

1. Demo

We will show you how Nerve Centre works in practice and how it can give you maximum control again.

2. Assessment

Together with you, we assess the needs and requirements of your organization.

3. Implementation Proposal

We propose an implementation plan for Nerve Centre and discuss it with you. After that, we can get started quickly.

Get your appointment

Maximum control with Nerve Centre

With Nerve Centre, you have maximum control to protect your people, your organization, and the environment.