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Free demo

Always easily reachable when the situation requires it with our On-Call Service.

When you need to reach the right people or get them to the right place, there’s one thing you shouldn’t have to worry about: the urgent phone call you use to contact them. It needs to be exactly right. The Nerve Centre On-Call Service helps you with this.

Bereikbaarheidsdienst Zorgboog

Don't wait for the negative consequences of poor accessibility.

When a situation calls for immediate communication, you don't want the hassle of phone trees or relay calls. Ensure the people you need are instantly reachable. With the on-call service, you can easily arrange this through a schedule or via an app.

Consequential damage
Lack of clarity

Nerve Centre On-Call Service  
A major leap forward for your call services

Your On-Call service live in six steps
Bereikbaarheidsdienst - 3 afspraken

Discover in 3 meetings how to prevent damage.

1. Demo

We will show you how Nerve Centre works in practice and how it can give you maximum control again.

2. Assessment

Together with you, we assess the needs and requirements of your organization.

3. Implementation Proposal

We propose an implementation plan for Nerve Centre and discuss it with you. After that, we can get started quickly.

Get your appointment

The Nerve Centre On-Call Service gives you maximum control.

Your accessibility is guaranteed, providing peace of mind for everyone.